Shopify vs. Shopify Plus Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide for New Online Store Owners

When starting an online business, one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the right e-commerce platform. Shopify and Shopify Plus are two popular options for new online store owners, but understanding their pricing structures and features is crucial in making the best decision for your business.

Shopify vs. Shopify Plus Pricing

This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison of Shopify and Shopify Plus pricing, highlighting their features, benefits, and differences. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, this information will help you make an informed decision on which option is best for your online store.

For new online store owners, understanding the pricing options and features of Shopify and Shopify Plus is essential in setting up a successful business. This article will provide a neutral and informative comparison to help you make the best decision for your e-commerce needs.

Understanding Shopify Plans

When it comes to choosing an e-commerce platform, Shopify and Shopify Plus are two popular options that often come up for consideration. Both offer a range of features and benefits, but their target audiences and pricing structures differ significantly.

Shopify is designed for small and midsize businesses (SMBs), while Shopify Plus caters to larger or enterprise-level businesses. The main difference between the two plans is the level of customization and support available.

The standard Shopify plan is suitable for beginners and offers a user-friendly interface, access to the app store, and basic analytics and reporting tools. On the other hand, Shopify Plus provides advanced features such as API integrations, dedicated support, and detailed analytics and reporting.

Businesses with high levels of annual revenue and complex operations, such as international or multi-currency selling, would benefit from Shopify Plus. On the other hand, smaller businesses with simpler needs would find the standard Shopify plan more suitable.

It's important to consider your business's specific needs and growth potential when choosing between Shopify and Shopify Plus. Both plans have their own strengths and it's worth evaluating them carefully to determine which one is the right fit for your online store.


Comparing Basic Shopify and Shopify Plus Pricing

The pricing structure for the basic Shopify plan is straightforward and easy to understand. The monthly cost starts at $29 per month and goes up to $299 per month for the Advanced plan. Transaction fees for external payment gateways range from 2% to 0.5%, depending on the plan. Additional app fees may apply for certain features and integrations.

In comparison, Shopify Plus has a more complex pricing structure based on sales volumes. The minimum cost is $2,000 per month and can go up to $40,000 per month for businesses with high sales. However, Shopify Plus offers unlimited staff accounts, more API integrations, and access to additional features such as the Merchant Success Program and Shopify POS Pro.

To help determine which plan is the best fit for your business, use our Shopify pricing calculator, which takes into account your sales volume and potential transaction fees. This will give you an estimate of your total cost of ownership for each plan.


Features and Benefits of Shopify Plus

When it comes to choosing an eCommerce platform, Shopify and Shopify Plus are two popular options for online store owners. While both offer a range of features and benefits, Shopify Plus is specifically designed for high-growth online stores and enterprises. Let's take a closer look at the advanced features and benefits offered by Shopify Plus and how it can benefit your business.

  • Advanced features: Shopify Plus offers a variety of advanced features, such as AR, video, and 3D product pages, unlimited sandbox and development environments, and built-in analytics and insights. These features can help enhance the user experience, improve conversion rates, and make informed decisions for your business.

  • Better scalability: As your business grows, so does the need for a scalable platform. With Shopify Plus, you can easily expand internationally and integrate new sales channels to reach a wider audience. This can lead to increased revenue and customer base for your business.

  • Cost reduction: While Shopify Plus comes at a premium, it can actually help reduce costs in the long run. With features like automatic price consistency between 133 currencies, multiple language and currency options for international stores, and a joined-up analytics and reporting system for both online and offline stores, Shopify Plus can save you time and money in managing your business.

Ultimately, the decision between Shopify and Shopify Plus depends on the specific needs and goals of your business. However, if you are a high-growth online store or an enterprise looking for advanced features, scalability, and potential cost reduction, then Shopify Plus may be the right choice for you.

Sources: Shopify Plus, Charle Agency, Herd


Tips for Selecting the Right Plan

When deciding between Shopify and Shopify Plus, there are a few factors to consider to determine which plan is best for your business. First, take a look at your sales records and projections. If you are a small business with a modest budget, the standard Shopify plans may be a better fit. However, if you are a larger enterprise with high sales volumes, Shopify Plus may offer more advanced features and support to help you grow.

Another important consideration is online payment options. Both Shopify and Shopify Plus offer a variety of payment gateways, but Shopify Plus offers more customization options for larger businesses. Additionally, think about the cost of building and maintaining your website. Shopify Plus may be more expensive, but it also offers more advanced tools and integrations that can save you time and money in the long run.

If neither plan seems like the right fit for your business, there are alternative solutions to consider. For smaller businesses, there are other e-commerce platforms with lower costs, such as Wix and For larger enterprises, there are enterprise-level solutions like Magento and Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It's important to research and compare all options to find the best fit for your unique business needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

As you consider which plan is best for your business, you may have some questions about Shopify and Shopify Plus pricing. Here are some common concerns addressed:

What is the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus offers more advanced features and tools for larger, high-volume businesses. It also has lower transaction fees compared to regular Shopify plans. Additionally, Shopify Plus offers personalized support and access to exclusive apps and features.

How does the pricing for Shopify and Shopify Plus compare?

Shopify Plus is more expensive than regular Shopify plans, with a starting price of $2,000 per month. However, this cost may be worth it for larger businesses that need the advanced features and lower transaction fees offered by Shopify Plus.

What are the benefits of upgrading to Shopify Plus?

Upgrading to Shopify Plus can provide your business with the power and tools needed to scale and grow. It also offers exclusive features, such as checkout extensibility and custom app development with Shopify Functions. Plus, you can benefit from personalized support and access to in-depth data analysis with ShopifyQL Notebooks.

Are there any case studies or success stories from businesses that have upgraded to Shopify Plus?

Yes, there are many success stories from businesses that have upgraded to Shopify Plus. For example, one brand saw a 6x return on ad spend after upgrading to Shopify Plus and utilizing its advanced features and tools. You can read more about these success stories on the Shopify Plus website.

Now that you have a better understanding of the differences and benefits of Shopify and Shopify Plus pricing, you can make an informed decision about which plan is best for your business.

Sources: Shopify Plus, Forbes Advisor



After comparing Shopify and Shopify Plus, it is clear that both platforms have their own unique features and benefits. Shopify is a great option for beginners with its user-friendly interface and customization options, while Shopify Plus is designed for large enterprises with high-volume sales and shipments. However, the high price tag of Shopify Plus may make it inaccessible for small to medium-sized businesses.

It is important for new online store owners to carefully consider their options and choose the platform that best fits their needs and budget. Additional resources, such as the Gorgias blog and Forbes article, can provide more in-depth information and comparisons for those interested in learning more. Both Shopify and Shopify Plus offer free trials, allowing users to test out the platforms and see which one is the right fit for their business. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the specific needs and goals of the business.
